- The 2018 Assessment of Food Security in San Franciso is a report prepared by the San Francisco Food Security Task Force. The report examined data from federal, state and locally funded food programs in order to develop recommendations for policies and systems to support gaps in San Francisco's food needs. This data integration exposes health disparities to be addressed in all programs serving communities in need.
- Drinking Water Promotion Project (DWAPP) (pdf) is a report on regional, schools-based water equity efforts that UCSF's Dr. Ansiha Patel and Roberto Vargas contributed to, along with many collaborators from across the San Francisco Bay Area, via Bay Area Nutrition and Physical Activity Collaborative (BANPAC), 2017-2018.
- Healthy San Francisco: Community Clinics Partnering for System Change (pdf)
- Community-University Partnerships to Prevent Street Violence and Promote Resiliency (pdf)
- Bayview Hunters Point Health and Environmental Assessment Project Report (pdf)
- Bayview Hunters Point Health and Environmental Assessment Task Force Community Survey (pdf)
- Strengthening Diversity in Research Partnerships: Knowledge to Action Guide (pdf) This guide features principles of partnerships, strategies, and profiles of exemplars from the field.
The following two guides were developed by the CPRC with assistance and guidance from survivors of violence, health professionals, medical students and community-based experts. The guides will be updated periodically. We invite you to provide us with additions, corrections or comments by contacting the UCP.
- Grief Support and Recovery After Homicide: A Manual for Survivors and Providers (pdf) is a step-by-step guide to resources for families and individuals who have lost someone to homicide.
- Support and Recovery for Survivors of Violence: A Manual for Survivors and Providers (pdf) is a step-by-step guide to resources for families and individuals who have survived community violence or violent injuries.