The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) has had the opportunity to work with many different organizations. These links represent a history of the partnership work we’ve done, as well as additional resources that may be of interest.
- coMesh
- Community Engaged Scholarship
- Service Learning
- Community Engagement Modules
- Additional Helpful Links

coMesh is an inter-institutional collaboration between San Francisco State University, Sonoma State University, University of California at San Francisco, University of San Francisco, the San Francisco City Administrator’s Office, and IQR Consulting with the mutually defined goal of establishing a shared database to promote, develop and coordinate university-community partnerships. Read a description of coMesh.
coMesh is totally web-based and is best used with the most recent versions of Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome and Safari. Click on the link of your preferred internet browser to get the latest if you need to update your browser!
CoMesh creates and tracks linkages between higher education faculty, staff, students, affiliates, and community partners connected with each or multiple institutions.
Higher education partners will have the capability to:
- promote community engagement activities to potential community partner organizations;
- monitor students’ activities, service hours, and document the details of their community relationships and contributions;
- search for community engagement projects such as service-learning, internships, and volunteer opportunities and document their hours.
Community partners will be able to:
- post research, service-learning, internship and volunteer needs;
- confirm student service hours; and
- search for higher education entities to engage in collaborations.
CoMesh documents partnerships and relationships, facilitate partnerships, and ultimately improve student learning outcomes, research, and generate tangible community benefits. Because faculty, staff and students can search a comprehensive collection of organization profiles, they can efficiently match their academic discipline and service expectations. As a result, faculty, staff and students will make more and deeper connections with their community experiences.
Community partners and their constituents will receive measurable benefits. Higher education faculty, staff and students can help fulfill nonprofit and government agencies’ service roles and/or complete needed projects; thus supporting or even increasing the organizations’ capacity to provide services. Furthermore, nonprofit organizations and government agencies with connections to higher education may benefit from faculty-led research initiatives that support their community work. More broadly, consortium institutions can share information and opportunities for collaborative efforts to address significant community issues.
coMesh Powerpoint Presentation
Community Engaged Scholarship
Colorado Immersion Training (CIT) in Community Engagement is a special opportunity for professional and personal development. As a CIT trainee, you learn the fundamentals & benefits of community engagement (CE) and community-based participatory research (CBPR) through multiple venues.
Tips and Strategies for Developing Strong Community Based Participatory Research Proposals
Community Engaged Scholarship Guides and Manuals for Clinicians, Researchers and Community Members
Reports from UC-Wide Symposium on Civic Engagement held June 10, 2005
- Civic and Academic Engagement in the Multiversity: Institutional Trends and Initiatives at the University of California
- Promoting Civic Engagement at the University of California: Recommendations from the Strategy Group on Civic and Academic Engagement
Campus Community Partnerships for Health
Campus Community Partnerships for Health (CCPH) is a national organization fostering partnerships between communities and educational institutions that build on each other’s strengths and develop their roles as change agents for improving health professions education, civic responsibility and the overall health of communities. CCPH offers resources related to community-engaged scholarship and information about grants and training opportunities. CCPH's Community Engaged Scholarship Toolkit has a wealth of information for faculty about how to document what they are doing in this area for the purposes of promotion and tenure.
Engaging a University in Self-Assessment and Strategic Planning to Build Partnership Capacity: the UCSF Experience, published in the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, vol 11, no 2 (2006).
Community-University Partnerships to Prevent Street Violence and Promote Resiliency (pdf)
Service Learning
Service Learning is a structured learning experience that combines community service with explicit learning objectives, preparation and reflection. Below are resources from the National Service Learning Clearinghouse, Campus-Community Partnerships for Health and other sources on service learning.
- National Service Learning Clearinghouse
- Faculty Toolkit for Service Learning (Member Access Only)
- Schumer Self Assessment (Member Access Only)
- Community-Campus Partnerships for Health
Other Sources
Community Engagement Modules
The purpose of these modules is to provide an introduction to community-academic partnerships and to enhance collaborations between communities and UCSF students, faculty, staff, and campus groups. The modules include:
- Introduction to Community Engagement
- Introduction to San Francisco’s Diverse Communities
- Health Communication
- Community Assessment
- Partnering with UCSF
Each module runs approximately 20-30 minutes. You are welcome to view any or all modules. The first four modules listed above are designed with UCSF learners in mind. The Partnering with UCSF module is designed for community groups/organizations interested in partnering with UCSF.
PLEASE NOTE: Some of the information contained in the Community Engagement Modules refers to older data which was available at the time of filming in 2012 and 2013.
Access the online Community Engagement Modules >
If prompted for a password please enter UCP123
Additional Helpful Links
- San Francisco Health Improvement Partnership (sfhip)
- UCSF Clinical & Translational Science Institute Community Engagement & Health Policy Program (CTSI CE&HP)
- San Francisco Bay Area Collaborative Research Network (SF Bay CRN)
- UCSF Center for Health and Community
- UCSF Preterm Birth Initiative
- UCSF SIREN (Social Interventions Research & Evaluation Network)
- National Center of Excellence in Women's Health
- UCSF School of Nursing Community Health Systems
- Community Science is a research and development organization that works with governments, foundations, and non-profit organizations on solutions to social problems through community and other systems changes.
- California Breast Cancer Research Program (CBCRP) Advocacy Involvment Tools for Investigators Because CBCRP requires applicants for all CBCRP funding to engage breast cancer or community advocates in their projects, and this may be a new skill set for some investigators, we have created a suite of technical assistance (TA) tools designed to answer questions and provide support.
Information Regarding UCSF Student Participation in Health Fairs
- Student Health Fair Participation
- New Health Fair Approval Process
- Health Fair Activity List
- Student Food Market Volunteer Sign-ups
UCSF Partners
- National Center of Excellence in Women's Health
- Community Health Systems
- Department of Social and Behavioral Health Sciences
- Department of Clinical Pharmacy
- Department of Family and Community Medicine
- CTSI Community Engagement and Health Policy Program
- Center for Science and Education Opportunity
- UCSF Science and Health Education Partnership
- UCSF Center for Vulnerable Populations at San Francisco General Hospital
- UCSF Pediatric Leadership for the Under Served (PLUS)
- UCSF Program in Medical Education for the Urban Under Served
- Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies
Community-Based Partners
- Accion Latina
- Adolescent Health Working Group (AHWG)
- America Scores Bay Area
- Arab Cultural and Community Center
- The Arc of San Francisco
- Bayanihan Community Center/Filipino American Development Foundation
- California Institute of Integral Studies
- Caminos Pathways Learning Center
- Clean Water Fund
- Community Awareness & Treatment Services (CATS)
- Family Services Agency of San Francisco
- Florence Crittenton Services
- Glide Health Services
- Health Initiatives for Youth (HIFY)/ Dimensions Clinic
- Homies Organizing the Mission to Empower Youth
- Mission Graduates
- Neighborhood Baptist Church
- Neighborhood Empowerment Network
- Northern California Service League
- Oasis for Girls
- Portola Family Connections
- Planning for Elders in the Central City
- Precita Eyes Muralists Associations, Inc
- San Francisco LGBT Center
- San Francisco Public Health Foundation
- Seneca Center
- SFSU Ethnic Studies Department
- San Francisco State University - Institute for Civic and Community Engagement
- Support for Families
- Survivors International
- University of San Francisco - Leo T. McCarthy Center
- Vietnamese Youth Development Center
- Walden House
- West Bay Pilipino Multi-Service Corporation