Partnership Grants Program

PLEASE NOTE: The deadline for Project ideas from COMMUNITY PARTNERS is JANUARY 6, 2025. The deadline for UCSF STUDENTS/LEARNERS applications for funding is MARCH 3, 2025.



DEADLINE FOR COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS (CBOs) to propose project ideas. CBOs - please email proposed project idea and question responses to 

[email protected]


January 6, 2025 (Extended from original December 13, 2024 deadline)

DEADLINE FOR STUDENT/LEARNERS - Grant Applications Due (Students - please email completed application to [email protected])

March 3, 2025

Grant Review Period

March 5 - March 26, 2025

Grants Results Announced

First Week of April 2025

Awardees to meet with CCE (The student awardee, the community partner awardee, and the CCE all meet for one meeting)

May 2025 (Exact Date TBD)

Funding Disbursement

July 2025

Grant implementation timeframe

July 2025 – June 2026

Presentation to CCE Council

Coordinate with CCE in summer 2026


The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) offers partnership grant funding to support projects that strengthen partnerships between San Francisco Bay Area communities and UCSF partners to advance health and healthcare equity. Our grants fund partnership projects where community-based organizations and UCSF learners work together on community identified projects.


Our goal is to promote opportunities for our learners and community partners to participate in an exchange of knowledge, resources and expertise to promote health.  Through structured projects we learn about the positive impact that community/academic projects can have in addressing health inequities. The Center for Community Engagement is a resource to support incorporating best practices and principles in these projects. 

Partnership Grant Opportunity

Who Can Apply?

To qualify for a grant, all projects must be conducted by partnerships that include at least one eligible community organization and at least one eligible UCSF academic partner (aka UCSF learner with a faculty mentor) as defined below.

Community Partners:

Eligible community partners are government agencies (such as the San Francisco Department of Public Health, the San Francisco Unified School District as well as individual schools), and non-profits, having 501(c) 3 (504) or 170(c) 1 tax- exempt IRS status including:

  • Health, social service, and other community–based organizations
  • Faith-based organizations
  • Primary and secondary schools
  • Voluntary associations, civic and citizen groups.

UCSF Learners:

Eligible UCSF academic partners are students from all UCSF schools with a faculty mentor, who are affiliated with UCSF through the end of academic year 2025-2026 including:

  • the Graduate Division
  • School of Dentistry
  • School of Medicine
  • School of Nursing
  • School of Pharmacy.

Partnerships may include partners from multiple departments. Inter-professional projects (with collaboration between Schools of Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Pharmacy and the Graduate Division) are encouraged to apply. UCSF student/learner participation must also be in conjunction with at least one faculty member.


For Community-based Organizations (CBOs) Seeking UCSF Academic Partner (aka UCSF student)

If you are a community-based organization and would like the CCE to help you identify a UCSF student to partner with on the project, please submit your project idea and responses to the following questions to [email protected]  by January 6, 2025 (extended from original December 13, 2024 deadline).

As mentioned in the chart above, PLEASE NOTE: Deadline for Project ideas from COMMUNITY PARTNERS is January 6, 2025. The deadline for UCSF STUDENTS/LEARNERS applications for funding is March 3, 2025.


Please describe in 500 words or less:

  • What the UCSF student will do.
  • What training students will get to prepare them to do this work.
  • What supervision will students be provided? (Who will supervise? What is the supervisor’s role in the organization? What’s the supervisor’s experience?).
  • What is your organization’s mission?
  • Who will this student serve?
  • How will student involvement benefit the organization?
  • What is the timeline for this student involvement?
  • What measures of success do you propose for evaluating success of the partnership?
  • What percentage of this work will be in person or virtual? If in person, where will service be performed?

Please note: Linkage to community partners and students is not guaranteed.

We will share community-based opportunities with UCSF students in December 2024 before the application deadline.


For UCSF Student/Learner Applicants

If you are looking for community partner projects.  Please reach out to the Center for Community Engagement and [email protected] to learn of potential opportunities.


Grant Details:


Grant opportunities for the 2024-2025 Academic Calendar include three (3) grants administered through the CCE for up to $9000 per grant, with funds split evenly between the UCSF student learner (who will receive up to $4,500) and the CBO partner organization (who will receive up to $4,500).

Learners in collaboration with community partners will submit the grant application.



DEADLINE FOR COMMUNITY-BASED ORGANIZATIONS (CBOs) to propose project ideas. CBOs - please email proposed project idea and question responses to 


[email protected]


January 6, 2025 (Extended from original December 13, 2024 deadline)

DEADLINE FOR STUDENT/LEARNERS - Grant Applications Due (Students - please email completed application to [email protected])

March 3, 2025

Grant Review Period

March 5 - March 26, 2025

Grants Results Announced

First Week of April 2025

Awardees to meet with CCE (The student awardee, the community partner awardee, and the CCE all meet for one meeting)

May 2025 (Exact Date TBD)

Funding Disbursement

July 2025

Grant implementation timeframe

July 2025 – June 2026

Presentation to CCE Council

Coordinate with CCE in summer 2026


All grant applications will be reviewed and scored by the PEACE Committee (which is made up of UCSF and community partners advancing community-engaged learning for UCSF) and approved by the CCE Council as well as members of the PEACE Committee .

Completed Partnership Grant Applications are due by March 3, 2025. Please email your completed application to [email protected].


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)




Informational Workshops                                            


Applicants are invited to view the informational video. (PLEASE NOTE: While this video references information and grant amounts from the 2019 Partnership Grants Program, the general guidelines may still be helpful in understanding the grants program). This video will clearly describe the program, service learning, explain the application process, and answer any questions. The informational video is not mandatory but strongly encouraged, please return to our website for updates as the quarter progresses.


Application Guidelines


Proposal narratives should be a maximum of five pages. The page limit does NOT include the project elements, budget information, and project timeline (see below for more information about the project narrative).  Please use standard one-inch margins and 12-point font. The partnership name and primary partners (community and university partners) should be included in the footer of each page.


Project Elements

The proposal should include the following information:


Proposal Cover Page

Please include the name of the project, primary community and university partners involved with contact information for each (learner/faculty), anticipated number of learners participating in the project (from each school if applicable. For projects to be completed as part of UCSF academic curricula please indicate if the curriculum is elective or required.


Project Abstract

The abstract should be a 200-word maximum description of the project, including a description of the service to be performed by UCSF learners, how the service benefits the community and enhances the learners’ academic coursework.

Please include the course/curriculum description and syllabus if the partnership project is to be performed as part of a UCSF class. Be sure to note how service and reflection are built into the curriculum.


Project Narrative

The narrative should include the following information:


Partnership Background

Identify the key partners involved in the project and the roles of each partner. Describe how the partnership (student and community partner) formed and the community identified need that is being addressed through this project.


Project Description

Please provide a description of the project and desired outcomes for learners and community-based partner(s).



Please provide a description of the specific preparation that learners and other participants will receive as part of this partnership. Please describe any additional resources that will be made available to learners and participants to enhance their ability successfully complete this partnership project.


Project Activities/Service

Describe the activities that UCSF learners will be performing with the community-based partner(s). If the learner is a community affiliate, describe how the community member will apply the learning experience to improve community health. How will this service benefit the community and also enhance the learners’ educational goals? For projects connected to specific UCSF courses/curricula please describe how the service will enhance the learners’ understanding of the specific course material.



How will learner/community partnership reflection be structured?


Outcomes and Evaluation

Describe how the project will be evaluated. What is the anticipated impact from this project on community partners (and clients/patients if applicable), learners and UCSF?



Not all projects must be sustained. Describe how this partnership project could be sustained after the grant period, if there is a plan for that. How will resources be leveraged to maximize project impact?


Project Timeline (can be an attachment)

Please include a detailed listing of all key project activities and deliverables.


Funding Restrictions

Funds may not be used for:

  • Capital expenditures
  • Debt reduction
  • Entertainment (excluding modest meeting related expenses, such as light refreshments)
  • Indirect expenses that cannot be directly tied to the project
  • Lobbying
  • Projects conducted outside of the 9 Bay Area Counties, (Fresno Area Accepted)
  • Reimbursement solely for patient care or clinical service delivery. These services may be reimbursed if they are a direct and necessary component of the broader project.


Proposal Scoring Rubric:

Evaluation Criterion

Points Possible

Reviewers Score




Project Abstract



Project Narrative



Provides background on each of the partners involved and how the partnership formed



Identifies roles of each partner



Provides a description of the project



Provides a description of the outcomes



Provides a description of the preparation folks will receive in this partnership



Provides a structure of learner reflection



Provides an evaluation plan



Provides sustainability plan



Project Timeline



Helps advance health and/or economic equity





